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Bigger Hole To Fill - The Hives

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Hate To Say I Told You So
Main Offender
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Text písně:

Look out!

I pet the cat along the whiskers
And I always go along the grain
You'll never see me in the deep end
If I ain't got nothing to gain
Don't serve the fool or act the donkey
If you allow me to explain

A man who fights for causes worthy of a fool
Is a fool to fights for causes that's the golden rule
I take it to the table know all know fix know how
But if I'm gonna do it again I ain't gonna do it now

Got no time to spill
I got a bigger hole to fill
No I ain't got no time to spill
I got a bigger hole to fill
Got no time to spill
I got a bigger hole to fill
No I ain't got no time to spill
I got a bigger hole to fill
Got a bigger hole to fill

You see I have a proper education
I use enough to get me by
I got the answers to all problems
But I ain't even gonna try

Work hard and be honest take chance and stay true
Just add it to the list of things that I ain't gonna do
Wherever there is a question a blurry answer's here to find
I say I'm gonna help you but I'm gonna change my mind

Got no time to spill
I got a bigger hole to fill
No I ain't got no time to spill
I got a bigger hole to fill
Got no time to spill
I got a bigger hole to fill
No I ain't got no time to spill
I got a bigger hole to fill
Got a bigger hole to fill

Got a bigger hole to fill
Got a bigger hole to fill
Got a bigger hole to fill
I got no time to spill - ohohoh

He's got no time to spill
He's got a bigger hole to fill
I got a bigger hole to fill
No he's got no time to spill
Cuz I got a bigger hole to fill

Got no time to spill
I got a bigger hole to fill
No I ain't got no time to spill
I got a bigger hole to fill     ...   Všechny texty od: The Hives

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