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The Moron Brothers - NOFX

Předchozí videoklip Všechny od: NOFX Následující videoklip

Další klipy interpreta NOFX

She Didn't Lose Her Baby
Concerns Of A GOP Neophyte
Regaining Unconsciousness
Hold it back
Drug Free America
The Bag
Murder The Government
Stranger Than Fishin
One celled creature
The Marxist brothers
    ...   Všechny klipy od: NOFX

Text písně:

Talking about the Moron Bros', tattooed fingers,

tattooed toes

They're idiots, losers, they're scum

Taking advantage of everyone

You're a dog, they're your fleas

Doing everything they can to spread disease

They'll take your beer, they'll take your drugs

Leave with you microscopic bugs

Their company is something you won't miss

When your icetrays are filled with piss

They are the Moron Brothers

Don't get along with others

They'll whine, they'll bitch, they'll fuck you if you're rich

They'll leach, they'll latch, they are the itch you can't


Do do do do do do do do da do do do do etc.

They'll ink your face, tape your eyelids closed

Tabasco's in your mouth,

there's mustard up your nose

When your head is shaved you'll think the worst has


Just try to move your leg

they've put you in a cast

They are the Moron Brothers

Don't get along with others

They may not go down in history

But they'll go down on your sister

    ...   Všechny texty od: NOFX

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