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Sweet Thing - David Bowie

Předchozí videoklip Všechny od: David Bowie Následující videoklip

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    ...   Všechny klipy od: David Bowie

Text písně:

[Part One: Sweet Thing]

It's safe in the city to love in a doorway
To wrangle some screams from the dawn
And isn't it me, putting pain in a stranger?
Like a portrait in flesh, who trails on a leash
Will you see that I'm scared and I'm lonely?
So I'll break up my room, and yawn and I
Run to the center of things
Where the knowing one says:

"Boys, boys, its a sweet thing
Boys, boys, its a sweet thing, sweet thing
If you want it, boys, get it here, thing
'Cause hope, boys, is a cheap thing, cheap thing"

I'm glad that you're older than me
Makes me feel important and free
Does that make you smile, isn't that me?
I'm in your way, and I'll steal every moment
If this trade is a curse, then I'll bless you
And turn to the crossroads of Hamburg, as in

"Boys, boys, its a sweet thing
Boys, boys, its a sweet thing, sweet thing
If you want it, boys, get it here, thing
'Cause hope, boys, is a cheap thing, cheap thing"

[Part Two: Candidate]

I'll make you a deal, like any other candidate
We'll pretend we're walking home 'cause your future's at stake
My set is amazing, it even smells like a street
There's a bar at the end where I can meet you and your friend
Someone scrawled on the wall "I smell the blood of les tricoteuses"
Who wrote up scandals in other bars

I'm having so much fun with the poisonous people
Spreading rumors and lies and stories they made up
Some make you sing and some make you scream
One makes you wish that you'd never been seen
But there's a shop on the corner that's selling papier mache
Making bullet-proof faces; Charlie Manson, Cassius Clay
"If you want it, boys, get it here, thing"

So you scream out of line:
"I want you! I need you! Anyone out there? Any time?"
Tres butch little number whines "Hey dirty, I want you
When it's good, it's really good, and when it's bad I go to pieces"
If you want it, boys, get it here, thing

Well, on the street where you live I could not hold up my head
For I put all I have in another bed
On another floor, in the back of a car
In the cellar of a church with the door ajar
Well, I guess we must be looking for a different kind
But we can't stop trying 'til we break up our minds
'Til the sun drips blood on the seedy young knights
Who press you on the ground while shaking in fright
I guess we could cruise down one more time
With you by my side, it should be fine
We'll buy some drugs and watch a band
Then jump in the river holding hands

[Part Three: Sweet Thing (Reprise)]

"If you want it, boys, get it here, thing
'Cause hope, boys, is a cheap thing, cheap thing"

Is it nice in your snow storm, freezing your brain?
Do you think that your face looks the same?
Then let it be, it's all I ever wanted
It's a street with a deal, and a taste
It's got claws, it's got me, it's got you ...

    ...   Všechny texty od: David Bowie

Český překlad:

Něžná věc

Ve městě je bezpečný, milovat se za branou

Tahanice o trochu omítky ze dveří

A nejsem to já , vykládajíc bolest cizinci?

Jako podobizna v lidech, co se vlečou na řemínku

Uvidíš jak jsem vystrašen a osamělý?

Tak si roztřískam pokoj a zývnu si a Já

Běžím do středu toho všeho

Kde vědoucí říká


Chlapci, chlapci to je něžná věc

Chlapci chlapci,něžná věc, něžná věc

Když to chcete, chlapci, máte to tu, věc

Páč věřím, chlapci, je to laciná věc, laciná věc

Jsem šťastný, že jsi starší než já

Cítím se tak důležitější a volný

To tě rozesmálo, nejsem to já?

Jsem na tvý vlně, a ukradnu každý moment

Jestli je jeho řemeslo prokleté, pak ti požehnám

A najedu na křižovatku, a hamburgry a..


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