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Cherry Pop - Alexandra Stan

Předchozí videoklip Všechny od: Alexandra Stan Následující videoklip

Text písně:

There was this guy and me
I never thought that we could have that chemistry
But he became the one to show me stars in the sky
That light up the night
My fantasy fell into something true
He put a spell on me under the moonlight
And I knew,
Now I can stop thinking 'bout that taste like cherry pop
Pop pop, che-cherry che-cherry pop pop
Pop pop, che-cherry che-cherry pop pop
Cherry pop
Last night we made out
Then we saw the blackout
But it tasted like a cherry pop pop pop
Now I'm looking in his eyes
All I see is paradise
You're tasty like a cherry pop pop pop
Never felt like this before,
I just want more
Pop pop, che-cherry che-cherry pop pop
Pop pop pop pop!

And now they're asking me
Are you and him together?
How is it gonna be
Or is it just playing tricks on your mind
I bet that he's not your kind
My fantasy fell into something true
He put a spell on me under the moonlight
And I knew,
Now I can stop thinking 'bout that taste like cherry pop
Pop pop, che-cherry che-cherry pop pop
Pop pop, che-cherry che-cherry pop pop
Cherry pop
Last night we made out
Then we saw the blackout
But it tasted like a cherry pop pop pop
Now I'm looking in his eyes
All I see is paradise
You're tasty like a cherry pop pop pop
Never felt like this before,
I just want more
Pop pop, che-cherry che-cherry pop pop
Pop pop pop pop!
Pop pop pop pop!

Cherry cherry cherry pop
Cherry cherry cherry pop
Cherry cherry cherry pop
Cherry cherry pop
Pop pop, che-cherry che-cherry pop pop
Pop pop, che-cherry che-cherry pop pop

Last night we made out
Then we saw the blackout
But it tasted like a cherry pop pop pop
Now I'm looking in his eyes
All I see is paradise
You're tasty like a cherry pop pop pop
Never felt like this before,
I just want more
Pop pop, che-cherry che-cherry pop pop
Pop pop pop pop!

    ...   Všechny texty od: Alexandra Stan

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