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Karaoke text písně Zuzana Smatanová - Sorry To My Brother

>> KARAOKE TEXTY >> KARAOKE TEXTY z >> Zuzana Smatanová >>
Alba s touto skladbou: Entirely Good,

I´ve never been beaten
my body has never suffered
I´ve never been beaten
for every stupid word that I´ve ever said
Scoring, I´ve just have been scoring for noise which every morning,
was dilate through the streets and through the bus
Ignoring, I was always ignoring the mess my room is boring, in fact is
the only place that I possess...
I´ve never been beaten,
my head has never suffered
I´ve never been condemn
for every failure even if I didn´t nothing
Smiling, I used to smiling at jokes
they made me crying , but if only they weren´t funny
but silly anymore...
Trying, I´ve always been trying to impress
endeavor was useless, that´s why I was taken
for a child who was crying for being denied...

My only idea was always to pack my suitcase
I know that always was looked after about me - sorry
I´ve never been beaten so I hope that it´ll stay like this
it will be sorry to my brother,brother whom i missed...

I´ve never been beaten
my brother got trashing for me
but I respect him, for every slap by hand
which he has stood - and only because of me...
Getting, I´ve always been getting more
but now I´m pity,that he was consider
like an unrewarded for...
I´ve never been beaten
my body has never suffered
I´ve never been beaten
for every stupid word that I´ve ever said...

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