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Lyrics of a song Young Love - Jedward

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Yeah yeah yea yeah

I was with my friends
Third street walking the promenade
Then you passed by
Like a shooting star
I started falling for you,
Without a warning

In my dreams I'm asking your name,
Put your number down
Then I wake up and I chickened out
This part I hated,
Young love so complicated

I know what people say,
Don't get carried away
Say boy got your whole life
Ahead of you
But what am I supposed to do

Young love, is taking me over
Your love, I'm loosing control
My heart stop - stops
When I get close to you
Like lightning striking out of the blue

Young love, It's still in my sleep,
So what, If you're feeling me
Put your hands up, hands up,
All about the world,
Everybody in young love.

Since that day
I've been walking the avenues
Hoping that I would bump into you
Or you into me, but nothing
Just cold empty streets

I never thought that I would
See your face again(face again)
But just like that
I saw you walking in
Doors of my show sat down
In front of the row

I know what people say,
Don't get carried away
Say boy got your whole life
Ahead of you
But what am I supposed to do

Young love, is taking me over
Your love, I'm loosing control
My heart stop - stops
When I get close to you
Like lightning striking out of the blue

Young love, It's still in my sleep,
So what, If you're feeling me
Put your hands up, hands up,
All about the world,
Everybody in young love.

I know what people say,
Don't get carried away
Say boy got your whole life
Ahead of you
But what am I supposed to do

Young love, is taking me over
Your love, I'm loosing control
My heart stop - stops
When I get close to you
Like lightning striking out of the blue

Young love, It's still in my sleep,
So what, If you're feeling me
Put your hands up, hands up,
All about the world,
Everybody in young love.

I was with my friends
Third street walking the promenade
Then you passed by
Like a shooting star
I started falling for you,
Without a warning

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