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Karaoke text písně XENOCIDE - Space Rott

Alba s touto skladbou: Galactic Oppression,

[Music: S. Leask, T. Azad | Lyrics: T. Azad]

Masses gather in hordes!

Omnivores into Cannibals!

feasting on their offspring
while fathers disgorge!

Extinction of Eternity,
balance now is restored!

The Hive Mind sparks!
It's tendrils self-aware
Planetary conversion of
Mass, Energy and Despair!

off our own flesh and blood!
Nothing can stop us
From infecting our neighbouring Stars!

The Hive Mind listens,
ignoring the millions of screams!
The Undead and the living
fighting in Zero-G.

"We were Asgard!"
Now We are the Horde...
A new planet among the stars
Necropolis is born!


Science gone awry,
horrid mistake!
Millions dead!
Souls raped!

Hot zone
quarantined and cleansed...
More dead.
There's too much space!

Distances between the Stars
take years to navigate!

The Hive Mind and its Horde
have all the time they need.

The Undead evolve and
begin to propogate!

Sickening reproduction
of their species, conflate!

The Asgards created this monstrosity!
In pursuit of Ascension and the harnessing of Gravity!

You cannot stop an unstoppable Force!
We were once powerful Gods of the Norse!

Reckless use of nano-technology!
Leads to severe evolutionary anomalies!

The cells they were meant to eliminate...
Instead replicate at an exponential rate!

To the Stars We seed!
Laying dormant with lust...
Learning that this sickness
known as Death is all We need!

The burning liquid fires
pumping through our veins!
A past life form emerges
from a million years of sleep,
To Feed....

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