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Karaoke text písně Will Young - Keep On

>> KARAOKE TEXTY >> KARAOKE TEXTY w >> Will Young >>
Alba s touto skladbou: Bout It, Free Like We Want 2 B, Personal stereo, The Kingdom II, Idiot Nation, Rudebox, Clumsy Words And Bad Pickup Lines, Some Kinda..., Chief,

You know I'm gonna keep on, gonna keep on
nowhere else to go
I like it with the heat on, so put the heat on
I get there on my own
You know I'm gonna ride it, I won't hide it
I told you all along
But none of that don't matter let's get it on

And it pays to do your best
To be better than the rest
And I hate to say I'm wrong,
I can see what's going on
And at times it makes me mad
Cos this thing is all I have
Gotta see the way I,
How I love it, how I love it

Gonna keep on, gonna keep on
nowhere else to go
I like it with the heat on, so put the heat on
I get there on my own
You know I'm gonna ride it, I won't hide it
I told you all along
But none of that don't matter let's get it on

It's a way to pay the bills
but I need to get my thrills
Just until I'm satisfied
but I need to feel alive
You've gotta hurt before you heal
Take a dream and make it real
I've been waiting too long
Hey I'm coming, hey I'm coming

Like a diamond in the rough
keep on til I've had enough
Gonna shimmer like the sun
I can warm up everyone
It's coming like a miracle
When you rise you never fall
I've been waiting so long
Hey it's coming, hey it's coming

Gonna keep on, gonna keep on
nowhere else to go
I like it with the heat on, so put the heat on
I get there on my own
You know I'm gonna ride it, I won't hide it
I told you all along
But none of that don't matter let's get it on.

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