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Lyrics of a song Triumph - Carry on the Flame

>> LYRICS >> LYRICS t >> Triumph >>

Searchin' for something
In a world that's dark and strange
When you think you've found answers
That's when the answers change

Into your hands it's fallin'
Can't you hear the future callin'

Carry on the flame
Walk inside the light
The wisdom of the light
Don't ever be denied
Can never be denied
Carry on the flame
Through the darkest night
Hold it on high
Keep the fire burnin' deep inside

You live for the moment
But the moment slips away
A better tomorrow takes
Your best today

Into your hands it's fallin'
Can't you hear the future callin'


(King's Horses Reprise)

All the king's horses and all the king's men
Won't you try to bring the world together?

You can set your sights a little bit higher
You can make it burn just a little bit brighter
It's your legacy, your destiny
Carry on the flame...

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