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Karaoke text písně Timbaland - Long Way Down with Daughtry

>> KARAOKE TEXTY >> KARAOKE TEXTY t >> Timbaland >>
Alba s touto skladbou: Shock Value 2,

Traveled all around the world to be with you
You never know where the open road will lead you to
I crawl before I walk, still got nowhere fast
The other side still has the greener grass
Oh, you win some and you loose some yeah
Oh, and things look so much smarter from up there

I hear it's such a long way down
And the climb back up ain't as easy as it sounds
I hear it's such a long way down
And the climb back up is just something I can do without
Something I can do without

I walked until I didn't have no energy
I bought until I didn't have no bite left in me
I died so that I didn't have to live in the past
But the other side still had the greener grass
Oh, you win some and you loose some yeah
Oh, and things look so much smarter from up there

I hear it's such a long way down
And the climb back up ain't as easy as it sounds
I hear it's such a long way down
And the climb back up is just something I can do without
Something I can do without

Put your hands up yeah, Put your hands up yeah
Put your hands up yeah, Something I can do without

I hear it's such a long way down
And the climb back up ain't as easy as it sounds
I hear it's such a long way down
And the climb back up is just something I can do without
Just something I can do without, oh yeah

Something I can do without, Something I can do without
Something I can do without, Something I can do without
Something I can do without, Something I can do without
Something I can do without, out, out, out, that's it

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