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Karaoke text písně The Rolling Stones - All About You

>> KARAOKE TEXTY >> KARAOKE TEXTY t >> The Rolling Stones >>
Alba s touto skladbou: Paul Stanley - Live To Win , World Of Lies, Sólové CD Marie Fredriksson - The Change, ALL ABOUT YOU, Back, Emotional Rescue, All Over the Place, All About You, Rock angels, Free The Music,

(M. Jagger/K. Richards)

Well if you call this a life
Why must I spend it with you?
If the show must go on
Let it go on without you
So sick and tired hanging around with jerks like you

Who'll tell me those lies
And let me think they're true?
What am I to do
You want it, I got it too

Though the lies might be true
That's just cause the joke's about you
I'm so sick and tired hanging around with dogs like you
You're the first to get blamed, always the last bitch to get paid

Oh, tell me those lies
Let me think they're true
I heard one or two
They weren't about me, they weren't about her
They were all about you

I may miss you
But missing me just isn't you
I'm so sick and tired hanging around with dogs like you

Tell me those lies
Let me think they're true
I heard one or two, and they weren't about me, they weren't about her
They're all about you
I'm so sick and tired
What should I do
You want it, you get it...
So how come I'm still in love with you?

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