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Karaoke text písně The Duskfall - Guidance

>> KARAOKE TEXTY >> KARAOKE TEXTY t >> The Duskfall >>
Alba s touto skladbou: October swimmer,

Mute all your opinions, don't you ever take a stand, still thinking won't suit you.
As I said once before, stand in the row.
Wait in the silence, let the brainwash begin.
Forget your morals, don't think of what is right.
They'll do all the thinking for you, your future is planned.

Can't shoot yourself in the head, I'll pull the trigger for you.
Too weak to make this simple task, nothing more than a useless attempt, to do something right.
I'll help you trough...

Don't utter a single word. this is what you deserve, don't ever talk back.
Don't utter a single word, this is what you deserve, buried under laws just made for you.
Don't utter a single word, this is what you deserve, don't ever resist.
Don't utter a single word, this is what you deserve, buried under laws just made for you.

So now you're on the edge, they'll give
you a push.
You'll need all help, and a little guidance to the other side.
Always expect the worst, they're obliged.
No answers received, no questions asked, forget about the holes in your head.




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