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Karaoke text písně The Damned - Emma Knows

>> KARAOKE TEXTY >> KARAOKE TEXTY t >> The Damned >>
from Roman Juggs 1986 ANYTHING demos tape.

As yet unreleased...

(Vanian/Scabies/Merrick/Jugg/Henry Badowski)

What Emma knows

And what I know is that whenever we're apart

She will be missing me

And I'll be missing her dreadfully

And very special to me

She's gone to university

Maybe she's sleeping now

Or wide awake with a friend

It doesn't bother me

'Cause pretty soon she will be next to me

Because she loves me you see

And then she'll smile as she opens her eyes

And kiss me when the morning comes

What Emma doesn't know

I treasure everything about her so

And every second that she spends with me

I get the feeling that she doesn't believe

It is essential to me

To have her smile as she opens her eyes

And kiss me when the morning comes

I will dive off the edge of the world

I will fly to wherever you are

I will fly I will dive I will care for you baby

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