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Karaoke text písně The Arrogant Worms - Jesus' Brother Bob

>> KARAOKE TEXTY >> KARAOKE TEXTY t >> The Arrogant Worms >>
If you haven't heard of me
I wouldn't be surprised
I bet you know my relatives
Their names will never die
My mother is a saint
And my brother is a god
But all I am is Jesus' brother Bob

Jesus' brother Bob, Jesus' brother Bob
A nobody relative of the son of God
If only I'd been born just a little sooner
I'd be more than the brother of God Junior

I have to pay the ferry
To cross the Galilee
But not my brother
No not him
He walks across for free
I finally get to work
'Bout a quarter after nine
Already he's turning water into wine

Jesus' brother Bob, Jesus' brother Bob
A nobody relative of the son of God
If only I'd been born just a little sooner
I'd be more than the brother of God Junior

One day when I was home
I heard a mighty r oar
There were a thousand people
Right outside the door
Help us, Jesus, help us!
Came the cheering from the mob
But then they got a look at me
Oh nuts, it's only Bob

Jesus' brother Bob, Jesus' brother Bob
A nobody relative of the son of God
If only I'd been born just a little sooner
I'd be more than the brother of God Junior

He died upon the cross
I thought that I was free
Finally people would get to know
Me for me
(Hi Bob, Hi Judas!)
This was my big chance
To finally get ahead
The next thing you know
He's rising from the dead

Jesus' brother Bob, Jesus' brother Bob
A nobody relative of the son of God
If only I'd been born just a little sooner
I'd be more than the brother of God Junior


Jesus' brother Bob, Jesus' brother Bob
A nobody relative of the son of God
If only I'd been born just a little sooner
I'd be more than the brother of God Junior


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