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Karaoke text písně The Arrogant Worms - Great To Be A Nerd

>> KARAOKE TEXTY >> KARAOKE TEXTY t >> The Arrogant Worms >>
It's great to be a nerd, It's great to be a nerd
The only light we ever see is from our moniter

We argue about comic books and Internet connections
The biggest highlight of the year is the Star Trek Convention
Our town's not big enough to sign up any stars
But we once met a red shirt who was phasered by a Borg
(Man, he knew Mr. Sulu!) (What?)

It's great to be a nerd, It's great to be a nerd
We wear our Star Trek uniforms and talk like Captain Kirk

We have our own heroes who we try to emulate
I dream of one day being as sexy as Bill Gates
We hate watching sports 'cause we're reading Carl Sagan
But we'd watch the Olympics if they played Dungeons and Dragons
(I'm a Hobbitt! Ha ha ha ha!)

It's great to be a nerd, It's great to be a nerd
We think Tolkein was a genius and Shakespeare was a turd

We rarely get a date or get talked to by a girl
Unless they're having trouble with their algebra homework
We're emotionally bereft and we're sexually frustrated
But we can download photographs of Agent Scully naked

It's great to be a nerd, It's great to be a nerd
We know the truth is out there but we'd have to leave our room

We are the nerds in your neighbourhood
Polyester's a fashion statement
But there's more room on the beach for you
'Cause we're locked in our basement

It's great to be a nerd, It's great to be a nerd
We like to wear colours that do not appear in nature

It's great to be a
Poorly-dressed fashionless
Star trekking roleplaying
Ninety pound when wet down
Pasty skinned pop drinking
Underfed genius
Yes, it's great to be a nerd

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