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Karaoke text písně The Arrogant Worms - Dog Food Woman

>> KARAOKE TEXTY >> KARAOKE TEXTY t >> The Arrogant Worms >>
Watchin' television one afternoon
Lookin' for a movie or a good cartoon
Stopped by a station's commercial break
When suddenly I'm faced with a heartache
The woman of my dreams is plain in view
Sellin' me a can of liver stew

I said dog food (dog food)
Dog food woman
Dog food (dog food)
Dog food woman
Dog food (dog food)
Dog food woman
Dog food (dog food)
Dog food woman
You steal my heart, and you take my soul
Every time I see you fill Fido's bowl

Now I watch TV 20 hours a day
Just to watch your commercials play
If someday your love was in reach
I'd be all yours honey, you could put me on a leash
You love that dog, could you love a man?
I make my own gravy when you show that can

I said dog food (dog food)
Dog food woman
Dog food (dog food)
Dog food woman
Dog food (dog food)
Dog food woman
Dog food (dog food)
Dog food woman
You steal my heart, and you take my soul
Every time I see you fill Fido's bowl

I figure the only way she'll notice me
Is if I buy what she's sellin' on TV
So I stop at the local shopping mall
Head to the pet store and buy it all
Go to the bank and empty my savings
So I can buy more of what Spot is craving

Spent all my money by accident
Can't buy groceries or pay the rent
Got evicted now I live on the street
Crunchy kibble's all I got to eat
My breath is real bad, my tongue's turning black
But I've got a nice shiny coat of hair on my back

I said dog food (dog food)
Dog food woman
Dog food (dog food)
Dog food woman
Dog food (dog food)
Dog food woman
Dog food (dog food)
Dog food woman
You steal my heart, and you take my soul
Every time I see you fill Fido's bowl

(Dogs barking and howling)
Yeah, take it for a walk!

I said dog food (dog food)
Dog food woman
Dog food (dog food)
Dog food woman
Dog food (dog food)
Dog food woman
Dog food (dog food)
Dog food woman
You steal my heart, and you take my soul
Every time I see you fill Fido's bowl

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