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Lyrics of a song Sweetbox - Sacred

>> LYRICS >> LYRICS s >> Sweetbox >>
Alba s touto skladbou: Music For The Masses, Bravebird, Scream, Room 483, Wicked Wonderland, Stmívání, Revolution Rising,

Like a wind that's slowly blowing
Your breath upon my skin softly comforts me
Like a dream that keeps you lounging
I just hear your voice and I'm weak
And I know it's not just passion that's touched me so deep
Even though I try to hide
Something's changed in me

'cause we found something sacred
I'm not scared anymore
'cause we found something sacred
Something we can't ignore
When so many lovers never find each other
I've found you
'cause we found something sacred
So sacred And sweet

Like a kiss that keeps you yearning
When I feel your lips I start to cry
Baby, put your hands upon me
Leave me breathless tonight
I'm alive and unafraid
Unashamed With you
When so many lovers never find each other I've found you
'cause we found something sacred
So sacred and sweet

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