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Lyrics of a song Susan Tedeschi - Ain't Nobody's Business

>> LYRICS >> LYRICS s >> Susan Tedeschi >>
(Written by Grainger & Robbins)

If I attend church all day Sunday
Lord I come back home and want to raise hell all day Monday
Lord it ain't nobody's business if I do

If my baby comes up to me and says I ain't got no money
I just got to reach into my pocket
and say take all of my money honey
Ain't nobody's business if that's what I want to do

Ain't nobody's business, it just ain't nobody's business
Oh It ain't nobody's business what I do
Ain't nobody's business if I do

If I ever get the notion to jump off into the Atlantic Ocean
It ain't nobody's business if that's what I want to do
Me and my baby we might fuss and fight
But with the Lord's help I know everything is gonna be alright
Oh and it ain't nobody's business what we do

Ain't nobody's business, It just ain't nobody's business
Oh It ain't nobody's business what I do
Ain't nobody's business if I do

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