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Lyrics of a song Sucks, Brad - Fake it

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Alba s touto skladbou: Out Of It, Finding Beauty in Negative Spaces, Disclaimer ll, Down Here, What Are You So Scared Of?,

If we can make it up every day,
I'll have you know I've got nothing to hide.
If it's the same with you,
I'll be on my way out to something that I like.

I can't explain the changes in my patience lately, or decide.
i can't explain the changes in my patience lately, all right.

Is it so hard to fake it?
Is it so hard to fake it?
Is it so hard to take your own advice,
Is it so hard...

Ooh, and I got something that you can't treat,
Modern science says it can't be,
And every morning when I can't sleep
I'll be yelling out that i can't breathe,
And I wonder why.

I can't explain the changes in my patience lately, or decide.
i can't explain the changes in my patience lately, all right.

Is it so hard to fake it?
Is it so hard to fake it?
Is it so hard to take your own advice,
Is it so hard...

It's safe to say,
that it's the state I was found in,
My heart's an idiot,
My head is pounding.

It's safe to say,
that it's the state I was found in,
My heart's an idiot,
My head is pounding away.
It's something that I can't fake.
It's something that I can't fake.
Oh yes, I'm so fake!

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