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Karaoke text písně Story Of The Year - Page Avenue

>> KARAOKE TEXTY >> KARAOKE TEXTY s >> Story Of The Year >>

I still recall every summer night
like it was yesterday
the time would never end
and my friends were family
nothing mattered more
than the loyalty we had
now i'm a world away from everything we shared

i had something better
waiting ahead
i try to take control of my heart
i had something better
but i'll tear it down and i'll tape it up
by my own design i fall

bring back the days
three story parking lot
the air is never dry
as the city falls asleep, days bleed into the night

the tables set the stage
for a life of memories
but i'm a world away from everything

i had something better
waiting ahead
i try to take control of my heart
i had something better
but i'll tear it down and i'll tape it up
by my own design i fall
apart as time passes by
i fall apart but the memories never die

and i still recall every summer night
it seems like yesterday but i'm still a world away

i had something better
waiting ahead
i try to take control of my heart
i had something better
but i'll tear it down and i'll tape it up
by my own design i fall

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