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Karaoke text písně Stina Nordenstam - Trainsurfing

>> KARAOKE TEXTY >> KARAOKE TEXTY s >> Stina Nordenstam >>
Me and Ron had the uniform on but we're not going to school
But the other way thru the concrete grey
It was all OK it was cool
We took turns at laying an ear at the rail
We heard before we saw the faintest sound stead growing loud
We wanted nothing more
The laws of Silence Universe
We fight with high and fast
We fight with close and dangerous
With things that doesn't last
Ron and I got on alright
On the roof the speed was great
We made a turn and then came the tunnel
And all went dark as a grave
And the light came back and I saw the bridge
For a moment time stood still
It had started to rain, I noticed that
And then I turned and ran
The laws of Silence Universe
We fight with high and fast
We fight with close and dangerous
With things that doesn't last

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