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Karaoke text písně Steve Moakler - Can't Stop Thinking About You

>> KARAOKE TEXTY >> KARAOKE TEXTY s >> Steve Moakler >>
Alba s touto skladbou: Machine II Machine, Let it go, Watching Time Run,

Boom ba-dum
Boom ba-dum
Boom ba-dum
Boom ba-dum
Boom ba-dum
Boom ba-dum
Boom ba-dum
Boom ba-dum

I still remember when I first saw her
Eating cake off a plastic saucer
All my thoughts began to form a single file line.
Let's keep our eyes in a safe location
Take a stab at a conversation
Lets move slow, she's lovely though
A sample of my eye
As far as I can tell
She had no one, a magic spell but

I can't stop thinking about you
I can't stop thinking about you
It seems there's nothing I can do
To stop from thinking about you.
Let me know, let me down
Just let me hear the sound of your voice
I have no choice
I can't stop thinking about you.

Boom ba-dum
Boom ba-dum
Boom ba-dum
Boom ba-dum
Boom ba-dum
Boom ba-dum
Boom ba-dum
Boom ba-dum

So I extended my hand as a friendly gesture
My name is, wait... I can't remember
Gathered my thoughts, connected the dots
Surveyed the damage done
Well, she's still here
She's still smiling
Butterflies they're multiplying
And Lord only knows that I'm just trying
To get this off the ground
It came time to walk away
I fumble for the words to say

I can't stop thinking about you, no
I can't stop thinking about you
It seems there's nothing I can do
To stop from thinking about you.
Let me know, let me down
Just let me hear the sound of your voice
I have no choice
I can't stop thinking about you.

All the things that I find captivating
And stimulating well, you're the one
That's got me spun

Boom ba-dum
Boom ba-dum
Boom ba-dum
Boom ba-dum
Boom ba-dum
Boom ba-dum
Boom ba-dum

You got me spun

Boom ba-dum
Boom ba-dum
Boom ba-dum
Boom ba-dum

I can't stop thinking about you, no
I can't stop thinking about you
It seems there's nothing I can do
To stop from thinking about you.
Let me know, let me down
Just let me hear the sound of your voice
I have no choice
I can't stop thinking about you.

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