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Karaoke text písně Steve Moakler - Boy That You Drew

>> KARAOKE TEXTY >> KARAOKE TEXTY s >> Steve Moakler >>
Am I just the right height?
Have I just the right style?
Do I remind you of something you need with the way that I smile
Are you lonely tonight
Or am I walking just right?
When you look at my lips
do you see half the kiss you can’t fight

Well Tracy I can’t call you
For reasons more than I’ve said
I’m sure to disappoint you
I’m not the boy that you drew in your head

Am I talking too much,
Too desperate for your touch?
Am I too shallow or deep
Too many secrets to keep with my other lovers?
Am I too fast with my hands?
Are you scared of my plans?
Tracy, I’m not your sketch
but honestly what you expect?

Well Tracy I can’t call you
For reasons more than I’ve said
I’m sure to disappoint you
I’m not the boy that you drew in your head

Well don’t take it so hard
Love’s not an art
Some pictures are found out of frame
There’s no one to blame in this place
that fought in this game
Your heart’s bound to wear different names

Well Tracy I can’t call you
For reasons that are more than I’ve said
I’m so sure I disappoint you
Cause I’m not the boy that you drew in your head

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