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Lyrics of a song Soundtrack - Pomáda 2 - Back to school again

>> LYRICS >> LYRICS s >> Soundtrack - Pomáda 2 >>
Spending my vacation in the summer sun,
Gettin' lots of action and a lots of fun.
Scorin' like a bandit 'til the bubble burst -
Suddenly it got to be September First.

Woe is me, all summer long I was happy and free.
Save my soul, the board of education took away my parole.
I gotta go back, back, back to school again.
You won't find me 'til the clock strikes three;
I'm gonna be there 'til then...
I gotta go back, back, back to school again.
Whoa, whoa, I gotta go... back to school again!

Geometry and history is just a pain,
Biology and chemistry destroys my brain.
Well don't they know that I deserve a better fate?
I'm really much too young to matriculate.

Well mama please, your child's come down with a fatal disease.
Mama said, "Come on you lazy bum now get your butt out of bed!"
"You gotta go back, back, back to school again!"
It's bye-bye fun, get your homework done,
You better be in by ten,
I gotta go back, back, back to school again.
Whoa, whoa, I gotta go... back to school again!

I got my books together and I dragged my feet,
Then I saw this angel boppin' down the street.
I said, "Hey, pretty baby, howsabout a date?"
She said, "I'm going to school, and I can't be late."

Well, I can see, that look in her eyes was sayin' "Follow me,"
And I was caught - I thought of playing hooky, but on second thought,
I gotta go back, back, back to school again.
You won't find me 'til the clock strikes three;
I'm gonna be there 'til then...
I gotta go back, back, back to school again.
Whoa, whoa, I gotta go... back to school ... again!!!

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