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Lyrics of a song Soundtrack - 90210 - Cheap and Cheerful by The Kills

>> LYRICS >> LYRICS s >> Soundtrack - 90210 >>
I´m bored of cheap and cheerful
I want expensive sadness
Hospital bills, parole
Open doors to madness

I want you to be crazy
cause you´re boring baby
when you´re straight
I want you to be crazy
cause you´re stupid baby
when you´re sane

I´m sick of social graces
Show you shark-tipped teeth
Lose your cool in public
Dig that legal meet
Cause love is just a dialogue
You can´t survive on ice-cream
You got the same needs as a dog

It´s allright (it´s allright)
To be mean (to be mean)
It´s allright (it´s allright)
To be mean (to be mean)

I want you to be crazy
cause you´re boring baby
when you´re straight
I want you to be crazy
cause you´re stupid baby
when you´re sane

It´s allright (it´s allright)
To be mean (to be mean)
It´s allright (it´s allright)
To be mean (to be mean)

I want you to be crazy
cause you´re boring baby
when you´re straight
I want you to be crazy
cause you´re stupid baby
when you´re sane

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