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Lyrics of a song Sonata Nocturna - Last Dawn

>> LYRICS >> LYRICS s >> Sonata Nocturna >>
Alba s touto skladbou: Hall of the Mountain King, The Darkest Winter,

Sitting on your old armchair,
you can remember death, but not life...

You`ve passed through centuries
and time rottet your soul even more.
This hell of immortality
is destroying you slowly.
Looking through the window
night calls you,
but it`s not enough.
Is there any reason to go on?
Beast and human fighting to take your soul.

Time killed your family and friends
and madness knocks the door again.
Hunger, hunting, passion and death,
and madness knocks the door again.
Rests of humanity come from anywhere
and show how weak you are.
Night is over, and sun will give the peace you need.
Light and ashes, spirit free;
this is your last dan.

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