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Lyrics of a song Skylark - Another Life

>> LYRICS >> LYRICS s >> Skylark >>
Alba s touto skladbou: Inevitability, Black and white days [Single], Killers, Beast over Hammersmith, The Princess' Day, Killers , Another Life, Another Life,

Into this spark skies are coloured by red fire, I'll give my world for freedom.
Nothing is left, no one star can remind us, sad tired breathe of our blood (blood).

Evil Angels screaming, neverending, dreaming...
Just before the explosion just do before the Storm.
Stay beside the Darkness, captured in a corner: I start to live a new life (now).

I will go, to another fire; I just go, more than a step higher.
And I know: it's the beginning af Another Life.
Change your mind, and I will surrender; hold your sign, against the scavengers.
'Cause I know: my destination is Another Life.

After the Storm only Brave People keep on praying, beyond this Storm there is life.
We'll look at the world as a Satanic Dark Reign, closed in a dream to survive.

Evil Angels screaming, neverending, dreaming...
Just before the explosion just do before the Storm.
Stay beside the Darkness, captured in a corner: I start to live a new life (now).

I will go, to another fire...

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