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Lyrics of a song Shinedown - In Memory

>> LYRICS >> LYRICS s >> Shinedown >>
Alba s touto skladbou: To Walk a Middle Course, Hardcore Gamer, Pressure The Hinges, Ed Sheeran EP, In memory, Valley of the Damned, In Memory, Victory,

Some of the ugliest things took the longest time to make
And some of the easiest habits are the hardest one's to break
And I'm not asking for value nor the pain but I am asking
For a way out of this lie
Because I can't wait for you to catch up with me
And I can't live in the past and drown myself in memories

Welcome to nowhere and finding out where it is
And fixing your problems and starting over again
Your feeding your ego with what you can see outside
And your killing yourself for not speaking your mind


In memory

I wonder why you make believe you live your life straight through me
I cannot understand why you question me and then you lie
I will not justify your ways I cannot show you an escape
I do not know you any more, I never knew you anyway


In memory

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