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Karaoke text písně Shaman - Origins (The Day I Died) / Lethal Awakening

Alba s touto skladbou: Origins,




Prepare to engage !
Some visions can awake you
So let it be, let the strings be played.
Foreseen and recreated, while this monster consumes you
No delay for is done, unless your bell has tolled

When fate calls out your name
Self-awareness will save you !
So let it be, let the strings be played
Be driven by this rate, as this monster inside of you

However, my eyes are gazed
No matter what kind of behave
This shell won't outlive me, no !

And I hear thunder and rain
This fear can roar but it won't lead the way!
My compass points north and comes from inside
Lethal or not, I am awake !

All that I feel deep inside is in vain
Unless all my actions according to it
There's no remorse when you're friends with the past
When we're awake, all makes sense !

And I hear thunder and rain
This fear can roar but it won't lead the way !
My compass points north and comes from inside
I am awake !
Under fire and rain
All we have to be is awake !

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