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Více než 1900 karaoke skladeb ve 29 formátech. 1,1 TB pro Váš ON-LINE download. Platba na dobírku, převodem nebo kartou.

Karaoke text písně Shaman - Innocence

Alba s touto skladbou: Asylum , Reason, Volta, Terium, Asylum, The Softer Side, The Best Damn Thing, Tears, INNOCENCE, Covers Collection,


I woke today
Inside the train of dreams
the rain poured down in black and white
I stood and stared
the rest of what remains
My own world crumbling around (a wild world crumbling around)

I held my tears
One day comes after another

the falling rain
carassed my skin again
just let it flow to wash away
the time gone by
feeling long denyed
my heart is no more bounded in vain (in pain)

and now its clear
one day leads on to another
I dried my tears (cried my tears)
there´s so much else to dicover

I hear the sound
Of thousand voices
I lost my innocence
I'm on my way
Across the desert
To rescue what I sent
Out of my heart and way

Now it's clear
One day leads on to another
To find our fears
Find the way back to each other


I hear the sound
Of thousand voices
I lost my innocence
I'm on my way
Across the desert
To rescue what I sent
Out of my heart...

I hear the sound
f thousand voices
I lost my innocence
and I´m on my way
across the desert
to rescue what i sent
out of my heart and way

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