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Lyrics of a song Severe Torture - Countless Villans

>> LYRICS >> LYRICS s >> Severe Torture >>
Alba s touto skladbou: Sworn Vengeance,

Nameless faces, their treacherous deceit
Countless villains take their chance, for victory
Betrayed, and marked for death
Bound for destruction
defeated they stand, the hunt is now over

Where are they now?
A legion, Incalcuble
This solace, my villains are all dead,
all vanished, a token

Burn these bridges, no traces left behind
Retrace these steps never taken
This pain is an ever winding road that I must cross
I'm left for dead midst these souls
I'm left for dead midst these souls

Brace for this tidal fear
No mercy you will find, compassion is denied.
Nameless corpses without identity
Countless villains, deceased, and face their destiny

Where are they now?
A legion, Incalcuble
This solace, my villains are all dead,
all vanished, a token

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