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Lyrics of a song Sentenced - Drain Me

>> LYRICS >> LYRICS s >> Sentenced >>
Alba s touto skladbou: The Funeral Album,

Always pretending to want you
It's so easy to make you play my game
Always deceiving to get you
So goddamn easy to make you scream my name
No remorse, no repent
Still to you I'm heaven sent

I don't need a reason to hate you
I don't need a reason to break you
Just keep that mouth wide open
And drain me, my darling, drain me, my darling!
I don't even care if you want me
I don't even care if you need me
Just spread that pink wide smile
And drain me, my darling, drain me my darling!

For so many years I've been faking
It's so hard to keep lying, smiling in vain
For so many years I've been taking
innocent soil, hey baby, loss is my game
No remorse, no repent
Still to you I'm heaven sent

I don't need a reason to hate you
I don't need a reason to break you
Just keep that mouth wide open
Drain me, my darling, drain me, my darling!
I don't even care if you want me
I don't even care if you need me
Just spread that pink wide smile
And drain me, my darling, drain me, my darling!

No remorse no repent
Still to you I'm heaven sent

I don't need a reason to hate you
I don't need a reason to break you
Just keep that mouth wide open
And drain me, my darling, drain me, my darling!
I don't even care if you want me
I don't even care if you need me
Just spread that pink wide smile
And drain me, my darling, drain me, my darling!

Just keep that mouth wide open
And drain me, my darling, drain me, my darling

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