Pull ova man, pull ova, pull ova
Stop right here so
Lock off your car
Step out the vehicle wit you documents, please
Hmm, You know why I pull yu ova?
Sean Paul:
Ahh, officer bwoy,me ina rush
Did I give yu the right to blow trough di stop light like that
Sean Paul:
Gee, me never even see it, me neva see--
Licence and registration, licence and registration please
Sean Paul:
Aright, everyting is in order
Sean Paul, you in trouble Sean Paul bwoy, what you do?
Bwoy me a DJ, you know
DJ, Oh! Disc Jockey, a mean u play on da radio?
No man, no
What station you play?
No, I'm a artis
Artist, a you paint house, you paint...what you paint?
No, No, No, musical artist
Music artist, you play instrument, look inside di car if u see any instrument
inside there
Hol on, Hol on nuh, you a get me wrong, you know, Sean Paul, man, Entertainer
Enter--Oh, me know all a unnu, I know entertainer, Oh pass me di newspaper
let me see di entertainmenr section and see Mr. Sean Paul is in the
entertainment section. mmm, sean....paul. I see one man inside here so, wit
orange hair, head look like carpet, him na look like u at all, u know. I see a
nex one here so, im wear a dark glasses....and i don't see....a dreadlocks one,
But you don't have dreadlocks? say u need dreadlocks in yu business you know,
you need dreadlocks
I nah really put in dreadlocks
But your not in di paper at all, I don't see Sean Paul in di paper. You just
not in the paper,from you not in the paper, you nah popular, thats how i see,
in my books thats how it is, you not popular at---
(O sniffs)
What is dat? What is that cologne? Is weed, hmm? Jesus, Its weed the man stink
a weed, you know? Bwoy stink a weed, come on! Impound the vehicle! Sleep ina
jail tonight, that it! Yu goose cook now! You tried to fool me up before, you