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Karaoke text písně Seal - If Im any closer

Alba s touto skladbou: Seal 6: Commitment,

I may dream of
Who comes tumblin' out of the sky
Trees beneath, sometimes
I'm wonderin' if I've come too high

Did I forget
My keys, my facts, my phone, my head
And, oh, some cash, remind me

Darling, definitely
I can hear you ask me why

Well, it could be
This is all in my head
Yes, it could be
What I need lies ahead

If I'm any closer I will be here
I can feel but I can't see
To tell you the truth I'm not the only one
Who's tried to find that key

I'm so loud that
I am climbin' out of my mind
Walls are crumblin'
I got out, I made it just in time

Well, it could be
This is all in my head
Yes, it could be
Something we might have read

If I'm any closer I will be here
I can feel but I can't see
To tell you the truth I'm not the only one
Who's tried to find that key

If I'm any closer I will be here
I can feel but I can't see
To tell you the truth I'm not the only one
Who's tried to find that key

If I'm any closer I will be here
I can feel but I can't see
To tell you the truth I'm not the only one
Who's tried to find that, tried to find that
Tried to find that key

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