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Lyrics of a song Scissor Sisters - The Other Side

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Alba s touto skladbou: Pump , A Little South of Sanity, The Other Side, Yong Lust: The Aerosmith Anthology, Big Ones , Yong Lust: The Aerosmith Anthology, Big Ones , The End of Life, Wings of Time, Perfect/Infect,

What will one day
Become of us
We'll grow as grass under their feet
No one here will ever know your name
And you still lie here next to me

If it takes another life
I'll wait for you
On the other side
Everything that comes to me
As good
Belongs to you
I'll count our blessings as I
Wait for you
On the other side
Good luck and I will see you through

Get used to this
You're going to be alright
The world goes on with or without me
If I don't ever leave a thing behind
I'll still leave you without me

If it takes another life
I'll wait for you
On the other side
Everything that comes to me
As good
Belongs to you
I'll count our blessings as I
Wait for you
On the other side
Good luck and I will see you through

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