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Lyrics of a song Sayer, Leo - Bedsitterland

>> LYRICS >> LYRICS s >> Sayer, Leo >>
I'm thinking of takingthe easy way outopen the windowI'll fall to the groundI could do it -- wouldn't be much too it
I gotta little place here in the cityit's kind of small and dirty, it's a bedsitterand there's a lot of us living herewall to wall in one big house
and when the night comes 'roundI can see a lot of lonely lightsthere are people in there breathingbut it don't seem rightin the streets way down below meI'm listening for just a soundbut nobody comes aroundin bedsitterland
and there's a man below me on the balconycrying to be heardscreaming to be heardI'm haunted by his wordsand the people in the street just shrug their shoulderssaying he's disturbedhe's in another worldscreaming at the birdscrying to be heardI hear his every word
I've slept in the gutter on a summer's dayoh I've bummed cigarettes in the night cafesI've joined the breadlinebelieve I got a deadline
I gotta little place here in the cityit's kind of small and dirty, it's a bedsitterand there's a lot of us living herewall to wall in one big house
and when the night comes 'roundI can see a lot of lonely lightsthere are people in there breathingbut it don't seem rightin the streets way down below meI'm listening for just a soundbut nobody comes aroundthe lights are going downnobody comes aroundin bedsitterland

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