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Karaoke text písně Satyrian - Invictus (Master of Fate ReMix) Remix by The Dreamside

>> KARAOKE TEXTY >> KARAOKE TEXTY s >> Satyrian >>
Alba s touto skladbou: The Dark Gift,


She had longed the ???
Where the sun does never shine,
Of the the witch where secret lies,
Oh, mighty virgin , of the skies...

Beyond this place of wrath and tears...
Looms but the horror of the shade....
The fallen bears the sacred name,
Burn inside, internal flame.
She lifts me softly , by the hand,
she whispers me to understand.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears...
Looms but the horror of the shade...
And yet the menace of the years...
Finds and shall find me, unafraid.

My eyes are closing I cannot see,
Her arms outstretched in endless sleep.
The land of dreams is bit afar,
Above the lights of the Morning star.
My eyes are closing I cannot see,
Her arms outstretched in endless sleep.
The land of dreams is bit afar,
Above the lights of the Morning star.
Morning star.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears...
Looms but the horror of the shade...
And yet the menace of the years...
Finds ,and shall find me, unafraid.


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