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Více než 1900 karaoke skladeb ve 29 formátech. 1,1 TB pro Váš ON-LINE download. Platba na dobírku, převodem nebo kartou.

Karaoke text písně Satyrian - Eternitas (Infinite Synthesis) Remix by TmV (The Shade Factory)

>> KARAOKE TEXTY >> KARAOKE TEXTY s >> Satyrian >>
Alba s touto skladbou: The Dark Gift,

Black horizons drape the Autumn skies,
The moon is rising, a night bird flies.
We came from beyond the woods of ancient trees,
New lively mortal, passion bleeds.

Gates of time arise in the night
From the cave of mystery and delight.
Owl of the nightfall fleets the sky.
Eternal gates of light and dark.
Owl of the nightfall fleets the sky.
Eternal gates of light turn dark.

Until night's black velvet burns to crimson
Sister of the earth, thy moon's horizon
With love and knowledge drove out innocence.
The key of joy is disobedience.

Gates of time arise in the night
From the cave of mystery and delight.
Owl of the nightfall fleets the sky.
Eternal gates of light and dark.
Owl of the nightfall fleets the sky.
Eternal gates of light turn dark.

We came from beyond the threshold of the infinite
New lively mortal, the warmth of passion bleeds.

Owl of the nightfall fleets the sky.
Eternal gates of light and dark.
Owl of the nightfall fleets the sky.
Eternal gates of light turndark.

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Western boogie audio, FullHD video ... od 80 CZK

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