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Karaoke text písně Rodriguez - It started out so nice

>> KARAOKE TEXTY >> KARAOKE TEXTY r >> Rodriguez >>
Alba s touto skladbou: Coming from Reality,

It started out with butterflies
On a velvet afternoon
With flashing eyes and promises
Caught and held too soon
In a place called Ixea
With it's pumpkin oval moon

It started out so nice

Genji taught Orion
Sea-purple harmony
While Kogi hit secrets into seashells
And even the ocean laughed
beneath that celestial canopy

Cuz it started out so nice

With the dust of stars they intermingled
Durock of Avon would only jingle
Marble money tunes
As pale earthly circles swooned

Volume left Bohemia, a triangle for his thumb
Questions fell but no one stopped to listen
That eternity was just a dawn away
And the rest was sure to come
Leaves, caught in winter's ice

Abandoned circus grounds of flower captains
Prisms in a palm one way it happens
The air was silver calm
The softly met were slowly moving on

Then all things in common suddenly grew strange
Now the Wurs were chasing other rainbows
Trying to find where the wind blows
To empty corners past dusty memories

Now in the third millennium the crowded madness came
Crooked shadows roamed through the nights
The wizards overplayed their names
And after that the Wurs never bothered to have
Summer reasons...again,
but it started out so nice
it started out so nice

We started out so nice.

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