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Karaoke text písně Robin Williamson - The Raggle Taggle Gipsies

>> KARAOKE TEXTY >> KARAOKE TEXTY r >> Robin Williamson >>
Gipsies came to the castle gate
They sang so high, they sang so low
They sang so sweet, so very very sweet
They stole away the heart of the lady-o

She came stepping down the stairs
With all her maids before her--o
Soon as the gipsies saw her pretty face
They cast their glamourie oer her-o
She kicked off her heeled shoes
Made of Spanish leather-o
And shes out in the street in her bare, bare feet
Following the raggle taggle gipsies--o

Late that night when the lord came home
Enquiring for his lady-o
The servants gave him this reply
"Shes gone with the raggle taggle gipsies-o"

"Saddle me up my my bonny black steed
The white was never so speedy--o
That I may ride a long summers night
In search of my false lady-o"

He rode east and he rode west
Till he was wondrous weary-o
Until he got near to the banks of the sea
And there he found his lady-o

"Would you leave your house and your land?
Would you leave your baby-o?
And would you leave your newly wedded lord?
And follow the raggle taggle gipsies-o?"

"I would leave my house and land
I would leave my baby-o
Id rather have a kiss from the gipsy laddies lips
Than you and all your money-o

Last night I slept in a goose--feather bed
Sheets and blankets so cosy-o
Tonight I will lie in the cold open fields
With the gipsies lying all around me--o

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