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Karaoke text písně Restarts, The - Disconnected

>> KARAOKE TEXTY >> KARAOKE TEXTY r >> Restarts, The >>
Alba s touto skladbou: Someone in Control, Trapt Live!, Shut Up, Gravity's Rainbow, Cry, A Sense Of Purpose, Sky Eats Airplane, Electrify, Resolver, She Looks So Perfect EP,

A great buzz at first you had it all under control
The hunger grew worse you started slipping down the hole
You stopped going out and having fun with your friends
It's getting out of hand the yearning never fuckin ends

All the shit that you've inhected
The life you had's been disconnected
Break the chains and live again
Or pump that shit back in your vein

You feel kinda weak your health is going down the pan
You wanna break the habit but dunno if you can
Paranoid trebles but you don't really give a toss
Another mate croaks and you just mark it as another loss
You get kinda depressed when you think of the life that you once had
But all that's on your mind is where to get the next ten bag
Insular self destruction theres never a frown with golden brown
Inevitable OD will leave you lying 6 feet underground

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