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Karaoke text písně Rancid - COCKTAILS

Alba s touto skladbou: Life won´t wait,

Broke, dough, dope, the line is choked
Smoked the last dollar to a name
Are you buying?
Are you selling girl?

Talking square never change
And if I really wanna know
What it means for her to be free
Oh she's mixing cocktails
In a squat down Avenue C
Yeah running through the street

The parasitic ???
Ah, don't give her a fight
He gets shallow so I know
There won't be no fucking rainbow in sight
And then deny allegations so strenuously
Oh man, don't get outta control
She was left wrestling in a silent anger
So hell I can't be there for her

I ain't looking for answers
I don't want nothing is for free
I sure don't want your respect
I just wanna know who's talking to me
I just wanna know who's talkin' to me

I know she's jackin, homegirl's mackin'
Tried to make sure am I in love
??? you and me
She won't relinquish herself to you, and I sense an emergency

She can cry, she can hide
In the lower east side
Been so low in the fast lane curse
Above all the infamous, with its circus of the fools

And if I really want to know how the pernicious stay on top
Oh they don't break, no break they don't fake
They think they'll wake
They don't stop

I ain't looking for answers
I don't want nothing is for free
I sure don't want your respect
I just wanna know who's talking to me
I just wanna know who's talkin' to me


I just wanna know who's talkin' to me
I just wanna know
I just wanna know who's talkin' to me

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