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Karaoke text písně Pushmonkey - Masterbreaker

>> KARAOKE TEXTY >> KARAOKE TEXTY p >> Pushmonkey >>
She抯 ready to burn
I feel her on my back and its heating up shop
Pumpin' hard on my nitrous when my tranny goes pop
I can drive on it hard but when she抯 riding the fence
I step upon my brake and then I feel her get tense
She抯 a Holly four barrel in a yellow swim suit
She got the curve but I got the juice
So don抰 let me tell you go stop-go
I抦 flipping my switches like it抯 Nintendo 64 yo
Hold on I抦 busy with a pit girl named Pamela
She got the cash ć…¶ause she brought the camera
She went forty five I went forty six
together we were 91 and melting out slicks

Masterbraker.....Back like Jesus

Well I抦 a Masterbraker semi-stimulator breakin?that ass as I emulate her,
burnin like cocaine back like Jesus

She抯 lubing up a chassis that抯 ready to burn
I think I can take her on the next pin turn
She got the wheel, but I got the brake
Stompin' out pedals until it feels like an earthquake
187 was her position on the pole
The rabbit must burn when the turtle get抯 cold
I抦 a speed man with a fresh take
I can take her on the slide when I use my brake
She抯 a one trick pony with a race track mind
I抦 two track money when she抯 in behind
I step upon my brake and pull it real classy
Holy fuck I think she passed me

Masterbraker.....Back like Jesus

Well I抦 a Masterbraker semi-stimulator breakin?that ass as I emulate her,
burnin like cocaine back like Jesus

Masterbraker.....Back like Jesus

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