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Karaoke text písně Professional Murder Music - Darker

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Alba s touto skladbou: Lost Sides,

I can't believe what I'm feeling now
After all that time I was far down
Their broken lives should show the way
far past anything they say

I can't resist anything you give
Every single part of the way you live
I don't know if this is so right
but I will never forget this night

I'll make this forever
and take you here with me
I'll make this forever
It's what I need

This is the end of what's always been
All the hate they bring doesn't mean a thing
When you're in this place standing here with me
Everything I need I can almost see

Why am I so alone
When there's so many around
Everyone now is not the same
as I slowly drift away

I'll make this forever
and take you here with me
I'll make this forever
It's what I need

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