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Karaoke text písně Písničky z Disney Channel - Cheetah Sisters

>> KARAOKE TEXTY >> KARAOKE TEXTY p >> Písničky z Disney Channel >>
Alba s touto skladbou: Mix, Gepardí kočky,

Theres a time when we all choose

To either quit

Or follow through

To just loose faith

Or trust your heart, to somehow lead you through the dark

You're not the only one

Who's dreamin'

And who needs help to carry on

We might get lonely but we're not alone

Cause we are sisters
We stand together
We make up one big family though we don't look the same
Our spots are different
Different colors
We make each other stronger
That ain't ever gonna change
We're Cheetah Girls Cheetah Sisters

Gotta do what we gotta do
Got the brains, got the power
And we speak the truth

We're from everywhere all around the world
So ya best respect The Cheetah Girls
Dancing, singing from our birth

Working hard for what we deserve
Trying not to break the rules
'Cause momma didn't raise no fools

It may seem we're only dreaming
And we need help to carry on
Its good to know we're not alone

Cause we are sisters
We stand together
We make up one big family though we don't look the same
Our spots are different
Different colors
We make each other stronger
That ain't ever gonna change
Believe it mister
We're Cheetah Girls Cheetah Sisters

Someone's always there behind
To catch us if we fall

Cause we are sisters
We stand together
We make up one big family though we don't look the same
Our spots are different
Different colors
We make each other stronger
That ain't ever gonna change
Believe it mister
We're Cheetah Girls Cheetah Sisters

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