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Karaoke text písně Patrice - Murderer

Alba s touto skladbou: Helloween, The Singles Box 85-92, Treasure Chest, Pumpkin Tracks, Ancient Spirit, Works of Carnage, Treasure Chest , Pumpkin Tracks , Helloween , Baptized in Filth,

nobody move, nobody get hurt
you come home by big car and you return by hearse
'cause we are murderers-we burn all pegons
and we are dangerous-we don't joke and don't make fun we are the champion sound
- we wear the crown and if a drumpan sound come test - we crush to the ground - we chase it out of town

what do you prove
nobody move, nobody get hurt
we have the vibes that make you fly
fly like a bird
don't disturb else
we put your face into the dirt
I and I work and one day we will take over 5the planet Earth
why you try, you know how
but you don't know why
and that is why we are going to send
you back to school for life
bad men spread lies and rumours
brainwash propaganda
but we don't care about the world out there my brother
'cause when b.a.n.t.u. sound in the atmosphere my sister
the people love the people dance and the people share
and mother Africa spirit seems to deh in the air the spirit seems to deh in the air

nobody move, nobody get hurt
you come home by big car and you return by hearse
'cause we are murderers-we burn all pegons
and we are dangerous-we don't joke and don't make fun we are the champion sound
- we wear the crown and if a drumpan sound come test - we crush to the ground - we chase it out of town

nobody move, nobody get hurt
you come home by big car and you return by hearse
'cause we are murderers-we burn all pegons
and we are dangerous-we don't joke and don't make fun we are the champion sound
- we wear the crown and if a drumpan sound come test - we crush to the ground

nobody move, nobody get hurt
you come home by big car and you return by hearse
'cause we are murderers-we burn all pegons
and we are dangerous-we don't joke and don't make fun we are the champion sound
- we wear the crown and if a drumpan sound...

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