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Karaoke text písně Ozzy Osbourne - You Can't Kill Rock and Roll

>> KARAOKE TEXTY >> KARAOKE TEXTY o >> Ozzy Osbourne >>
How many times can they fill me with lies and I listen, again
Twisting the truth and they're playin' around with my head O.K.
The things they will do and the things they will say
When they don't really uunderstand
Tears fill my eyes when I hear all the cries
For the reason today

And they don't really know even what they're talkin' about
And I can't imagine what empty heads can achieve

Leave me alone don't want your promises no more
'Cause rock n' roll is my religion and my law
Won't ever change, may think it's strange
You can't kill rock n' roll it's here to stay

Lookin' through eyes of time mirrors reflecting their stories
Promises, promises, telling me all of my glories overdue
How many times have I heard it before
And I'll probably hear it again
King of a thousand knights, pawn in a table light
Losing to you

And they din't really know even what they're talkin' about
And I can't imagine what empty heads can achieve


Even the rhymes that they give me in times of confession
Ain't true
Outcome is obvious all for them none for us meaning you too

The things they will do and the things they will say
When they don't really understand
Fear of rejection I need their protection
I'm making a stand

And they don't really know even what they're talkin' about
And I can't imagine what empty heads can achieve



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