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Karaoke text písně Odium - Identity Of The Doomed

Alba s touto skladbou: Burning the Bridges to Nowhere,

There can only be one conclusion to this
The damage caused goes beyond the surface
The most important resource is almost gone
The capacity for communication

Who will be left for forgive us?
When we’ve finally gone too far

We’ll live forever
Through their eyes

Don’t just throw this away
Finally collapsing at our peak
We could’ve been the solution
Then again we’ve always been the cause

Who will be left for forgive us?
When we’ve finally gone too far

We’ll live forever
Through their eyes

This is much more
Than a minor conflict
It’s in our blood to feed off of the conflict

Exploit the earth
And be expelled

There will be those
Who look back
See what we were
An evolved disappointment
Strange how we all can see it
But nothing is done
Nothing of meaning

Realize we are just a virus
A wriggling mass
The annihilators
If this is our cause
Nothing can stop us now

We’ll live forever
Through their eyes

Will we be remembered
As the ones who lost sight

Don't just throw this away
Finally collapsing at our peak
Just primates playing god
Blind insects playing with fire

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