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Karaoke text písně Odium - At The Bottom

Alba s touto skladbou: Daisy, At The Bottom,

I see through your bullshit halo
I am garbage grinning through your spit
I am the flaw in your perfect pattern
Give me the rope
I'll do the rest myself
I'm not perfect so stay the fuck away
You can't fix the broken and make them whole again
I'll trust in you to leave me at the bottom
My place in the dust is shallow
I will always remember what I was
Come live one day under these chains
This goddamn glass is not half full
I'm not perfect so stay the fuck away
You can't fix the broken and make them whole again
I'll trust in you to leave me at the bottom
I once was something more in a life that escaped me
The question isn't how but why you kept us here
A tired mind strung out too far
It's all for nothing
Believe in me and I will let you down
Just like I always do
In times of need I will slip away
I will be perfect like you
If there's still love somewhere down there, it's so buried under all the shit
And hopelessness
I wanna destroy everything beautiful in you
I'm not perfect so stay the fuck away
You can't fix the broken and make them whole again
I'll trust in you to leave me at the bottom 

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