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Karaoke text písně Northlane - Quantum Flux

>> KARAOKE TEXTY >> KARAOKE TEXTY n >> Northlane >>
Alba s touto skladbou: Singularity,

Set me free

Feeling all the love I swear that it's in the air
Leaving me; floating forever into infinity
I can see the colours dance when I close my eyes
Witnessing mysterious design
I can feel my body rush
From the love inside of me

Can't you see the joy of life is right before your eyes?
Infinite bliss, infinite love
Take a chance, close your eyes and just dream
It sets me free

We walk around blinded like children in the dark
So cold and so empty
How did this even start?
Its time to remember
What it's like to feel alive

Set me free
Can't you see the joy of life is right before your eyes?
Infinite bliss, infinite love
It sets me free

Take a chance, close your eyes and just dream
Feeling all the love I swear that it's in the air
Leaving me, floating forever, into infinity
Quantum fluctuations project into the air
Leaving me floating forever into infinity
Infinite potential

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